As you get older ~ 11.23.19


Today I am off to a vintage fashion show in Marietta Georgia. My mother and her friend Donna have been holding these shows for years. I got hooked on them over 10 years ago and I try not to miss them if I can help it. I love almost everything vintage, especially when it comes…


What would You Call a Happy Life? #SaturdayThoughts #Happiness — Daily (w)rite

Happiness is a modern obsession. I’ve come across many articles that define happiness, an insightful Ted talk or two. (Check them out, they’re fascinating.) Personally, I used to think think that happiness depended on where you were born. Your surroundings, the conveniences available to you. It then became a sort of goal, something for me……

via What would You Call a Happy Life? #SaturdayThoughts #Happiness — Daily (w)rite

LAGOM – The Swedish Way ~ 10/31/18

Lagom: It’s a simple Swedish philosophy on everyday life that means ‘just the right amount’. An idea that we can strike a healthy balance with the world around us without having to make extreme changes, and without denying ourselves anything.      

UNFU*K Yourself ~ 10/31/18

UNFU*K Yourself – Get Out of Your Head and Into Your Life This author is so funny!!  I love his book!  

How to Hygge: Take time out to enjoy the little things

Everyone is talking about ‘hygge’ – the Danish word for taking time out and making simple things feel special – but how does hygge happen?  

‘This Too Shall Pass’ And Other Reminders That Have Helped Me Cope With Stress And Anxiety — Thought Catalog

Recently, I’ve gone through many changes — new place, new job, new social circles, and approaching mid-twenties — which means many adjustments to my lifestyle and many shake-ups to my identity. The first month on the new job was tough. I was excited but at the same time, I started questioning every choice I’d made. I didn’t…

via ‘This Too Shall Pass’ And Other Reminders That Have Helped Me Cope With Stress And Anxiety — Thought Catalog

Eliminating Unnecessary Desire — Thoughts of Sho

Eliminating Unnecessary Desire: You think everyone would know the difference between what’s right and wrong, but because of “I” engrained conditioned mind patterns, one doesn’t always do what’s right in the sense of what’s beneficial. Every time a need to reach for something outside yourself arises, it’s produced because an agitation from your own mind […]

via Eliminating Unnecessary Desire — Thoughts of Sho