Love Who You Are Becoming — Thought Catalog

Right now I am asking you to take a breath. Just one, simple, deep breath. Breathe in, then out. Okay. Here we go. Picture who you were. Four years ago maybe. How different you looked. How you felt. Where you were in your life. What has changed? What has stayed the same? Were you happy?…

via Love Who You Are Becoming — Thought Catalog

Eliminating Unnecessary Desire — Thoughts of Sho

Eliminating Unnecessary Desire: You think everyone would know the difference between what’s right and wrong, but because of “I” engrained conditioned mind patterns, one doesn’t always do what’s right in the sense of what’s beneficial. Every time a need to reach for something outside yourself arises, it’s produced because an agitation from your own mind […]

via Eliminating Unnecessary Desire — Thoughts of Sho

Simple Things To Do To Make Your Day Simpler! — Reflecting Strokes

Feel on top of your day with these easy tips to simplify and organize. You’ll be less stressed, enjoy a healthy lifestyle, and get more of your important tasks done each day.

Life does seem overwhelming and confusing at times, isn’t it? There’s no reason you cannot do some organizing to make it simpler!

After all, having too many small things to worry about does take the fun and enjoyment out of life. You have plenty of slack in your life that can be taken out if you know where to look.

Get the maximum out of each day while leaving enough time to relax. Simplify your busy day to enjoy a healthy lifestyle, and smile more, with these strategies:

blank business checklist close up

Make a short list of things to do.

One of the things that wears us out is a super long list of things that probably runs a mile long. It is stuffed with too many things that look intimidating and impossible to finish.

It’s best to write out or make a short list of things that you can actually complete by the end of the day. Prioritize your tasks and you’re halfway there to feeling a lot better by the end of the day!


Create a morning ritual.

A morning ritual is important since it ensures that things get done before you leave the house for work. There’s no room for unnecessary clutter or confusion. Simply follow your morning routine for meditation, fitness, yoga, breakfast or other and you’ll be set for the day.

close up composition education high angle shot

Control your time.

Too many demands on our time makes the day seem confusing, chaotic and unduly stressful.

A simple day contains relatively few tasks and obligations.  Do not feel bad to say a “no” if strapped for time or otherwise. Only agree to something if you genuinely believe that doing it is wise.

Keep off other tasks till after work.

Avoiding stuffing tasks into your daily routine. However, make sure that they’re attended to after work.

Putting off tasks will create unnecessary hassles.  Your morning ritual should be the only thing you do before work.

Complain less.

Probably there’s something that’s causing you a good deal of irritation and gives you a lot to complain about. Try fixing it and if you can’t, then don’t let it bother you too much.

You’ll feel better if you complain less. Try it for a month.


Carry a water bottle with you.

Staying hydrated is important, and water is the best thing for you.

You’ll be less tempted to drink something unhealthy when carrying a bottle of water with you. Try the same idea with healthy snacks.

person using smartphone

Spend an hour away from any electronic devices.

Agreed, that’s probably the most difficult thing to do on this list! 🙂

However, it really helps to take your eyes and mind off the laptop or smart phone or any electronic devices for a while.

Unplug and do something else for a change. Catch up on that book, play a new game, take a walk or stroll in the park, or settle down to a comfortable and short nap.

De-clutter one thing each day.

Clean up your desk, closet, or refrigerator. You won’t have to deal with a huge mess later and will be surprised at the amount of time you save by knocking down the clutter each day.

food plate yellow spaghetti

Consider purchasing a crock-pot.

You can have dinner waiting for you when you get home. Imagine the time and stress you’ll save. You’ll also only have to clean one pot.

Focus on the task at hand

Multi-tasking is stressful and ineffective.

You’ll get more done, feel better, and be less stressed if focus on one thing at a time.

Simplifying your day is something that gets you results when it comes to dealing with the many demands on your time and has a profound impact on your lifestyle.

You’ll be less stressed, enjoy a healthier life, and get more of your important tasks done each day.

Author ~ Reflecting Strokes
With inputs from the Internet and print sources

Thought of the Day — The Healing Hand

TODAY’S MEDITATION | THE HEALING HAND Here you will find a Collection of Ideas, Images, Meditations, Reflections, and Thoughts – These items resonate with me. I hope they will inspire you. Passion is the path to health. If you find your passion, you find your vitality and you revitalize. Stay on the path! The Journey […]

via Thought of the Day — The Healing Hand

In Search Of “Hygge” — R. J. Nello


In the context of all of that, naturally I thought of a Danish long-time girlfriend.

via In Search Of “Hygge” — R. J. Nello

Are You Doing Enough To Support Women? — When Women Inspire

If you believe in female empowerment, then you definitely do have to work harder to support women. Ask yourself, are you doing enough?

via Are You Doing Enough To Support Women? — When Women Inspire

New Paule Marrot Wall Art to Love — The Well Appointed House Blog: Living the Well Appointed Life

When it comes to wall art, the Paule Marrot collection by Natural Curiosities is one of our absolute favorites! Not surprisingly, it’s also one of our best-sellers. 61 more words

via New Paule Marrot Wall Art to Love — The Well Appointed House Blog: Living the Well Appointed Life

Keepsake Journal: April — Patty Radish

My memory keeping for April went a little awry! Somehow I deleted most of my photos, and lost the ephemera. Due to the frustration of it all, I’m behind…again! But, I’ve decided to soldier on and make the best with what I have because my little organizer is busting at the seams with the next […]

via Keepsake Journal: April — Patty Radish

The Bedroom Sanctuary – Part 2 ~ 10/6/18

Create an atmosphere in your private place, an atmosphere with the illusive ingredients of mystery, femininity, dreams, hopes, fantasies and love. While there are recipe books on how to cook, picture books of living rooms that give you ideas about decorating there aren’t very many source guides for bedrooms. Let your 5 senses guide you… Continue reading The Bedroom Sanctuary – Part 2 ~ 10/6/18