Note to the reader ~ 10/2/18

A Note to the Reader Making the things you do everyday as beautiful and pleasurable as possible is a way to live a happy life. Yet many of us don’t seem to do this. In my work in interior design, I’ve noticed that many people have a tendency to save up 95% of their money… Continue reading Note to the reader ~ 10/2/18

Spring and the Summer — Annas Art – FärgaregårdsAnna

Jim gave me this video as an answer in a talk at his blog. So I answered with this one That means the Spring/Summer song search is on. If you have a Spring or Summer song you like to share. Leave the link in the comments. I bet Leslie have a Spring song. She always […]… Continue reading Spring and the Summer — Annas Art – FärgaregårdsAnna

Afternoon Tea 101 ~ 1/25/18 Tea blogging….yum!!

Embracing Simple ~ 1.25.18

I like this blogger.  Living simple, decluttering, etc.  Take a look.

A Proper Afternoon Individual Tea Setting ~ 1.24.18

“Afternoon tea was created to foster friendship.  May all of your afternoon’s always be filled with good tea and good friends.” -Ellen Easton

Dear Oprah~I miss you – 11/24/17

I miss your “Angel Network” charity, and all the good it did. I miss you inspiring us everyday to be a the best we can be. I miss the movement of “Paying it Forward.” I loved the conversations about women becoming successful & powerful, breaking that glass ceiling. I miss you teaching us about what… Continue reading Dear Oprah~I miss you – 11/24/17

Afternoon Tea ~ 12.7.17

//   There are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as afternoon tea. HENRY JAMES The Portrait of a lady    The tea ceremony can be a ritual of giving and receiving. It requires tranquility and patience, as well as the grace to absorb the subtle nuances… Continue reading Afternoon Tea ~ 12.7.17

Serving Drinks ~ 12/5/17

People often have strong feelings about the glasses in which they are served drinks….the right glass can enhance pleasure.      Some people prefer heavy cut crystal glasses, others like thin light ones. I prefer a variety so I can match the glass to the mood and the beverage. When selecting glasses, please yourselve.  Don’t… Continue reading Serving Drinks ~ 12/5/17